Parks development

Watermans Park Improvements 2022

Watermans Park development

Read how we're improving Waterman’s Park for residents and why the temporary closures are in place.

We are fortunate to have wonderful parks and open spaces in Hounslow and during the pandemic, more than ever, it became evident just how much you value them. We know that investment in our parks and open spaces is one of our key priorities as these spaces are a vital way of supporting the health and wellbeing of the community.

Watermans Park is an important asset for local residents who use the park for lots of different recreational activities. It is also a valuable green space to help tackle the current nature and climate change emergency. There are planned developments on site that are giving us an opportunity to develop the park and improve the infrastructure.

Residents were recently given the opportunity to share their thoughts via a questionnaire on the value of the park and the play area and suggest improvements. This has helped us to develop our plans for the park improvements based on the community need and to develop this green space as a great community hub.

A summary for the survey can be found here

We also engaged with local school children from Green Dragon Primary School and St Paul’s CE Primary School who shared their design visions for the play area.

image of drawings from children at Green Dragon Primary School

View Watermans Park masterplan

Watermans Park Improvements Update - 1 February 2022

New Pedestrian Paths and Cycleway

 All new cycleway and footpaths installed including edges and base course. Pergolas installed. Final wearing course to paths planned during March.

Image of Watermans Park latest development with a  new cycleway and footpaths installed including edges and base course with Pergolas installed.

All new cycleway and footpaths installed including edges and base course. Pergolas installed. Final wearing course to paths planned during March.


Image showing new cycle path and pedestrian path retaining wall and ramp to form new access at the eastern end of the site complete at Watermans Park

Cycle path and pedestrian path retaining wall and ramp to form new access at the eastern end of the site complete.

New Seating Areas

image showing All new seating areas and pergolas installed at Watermans Park

All new seating areas and pergolas installed. Seats due to arrive on site 2 February 2022. Resin bound paving under seating planned during March

New play area and equipment

Image showing New play area, basketball area, fencing and equipment all installed at Watermans Park.

New play area, basketball area, fencing and equipment all installed. Safety surfacing to be installed in March.

Tree and shrub planting

Image of Trees on site and are currently being planted in Watermans Park

All Extra Heavy Standard (EHS) trees on site and are currently being planted. Completion of EHS planting expected end of the week.

Bare root stock and shrub planting expected late February.

Update following site visit 08 March 2022

1. New Pedestrian Paths, Pergolas, Seating and Cycleway

1.1 All new footpaths installed including edges and base course. Pergolas installed.  Some remedial works to paths carried out following comments from Friends.

New pedestrian paths, pergolas, seating and wildflower turf

New pedestrian paths, pergolas, seating and wildflower turf

1.2 Cycle path and pedestrian path retaining wall and ramp to form new access at the eastern end of the site complete.  Note: Delay with lighting columns from manufacturer cycle path opening will be delayed due to long lead in time from Scottish Power.

New pedestrian cycle and pedestrian entrance

New pedestrian cycle and pedestrian entrance

2.0 New social space

2.1 New social space complete including resin paving, picnic tables and table tennis tables. Awaiting confirmation from Friends about Library depository.

New Social Space

New Social Space

3.0 New play area and equipment

3.1 New play area, outdoor gym, basketball area, fencing and all equipment including safer surfacing installed.

New play area

New play area

4.0 Outdoor yoga

4.1 Outdoor yoga space complete

Outdoor Yoga area

Outdoor Yoga area

5.0 Tree and shrub planting

5.1 All Extra Heavy Standard (EHS) planting, native planting, and herbaceous planting complete. Ceremonial Planting took place11th March 2022. Storm damaged fallen tree replaced.

Planting complete

Planting complete

allen tree from storm damage replaced as above

allen tree from storm damage replaced as above

6.0 Cycle racks and friends information board

Cycle stands and moving Friends Information Board complete. 

Entrance and cycle stand

Entrance and cycle stand

6.0 Other works

6.1 Boardwalk. New structural survey to take place end of March.  Once results known can proceed.

6.2 Cycle way demarcation kerbs and lighting columns to be installed end of the month.  Power connections waiting for Scottish Power.

6.3 Install irrigation points and drinking fountain. To be completed May – waiting for Thames Water

6.4 Community planting day to be agreed.

Completion date 31 March 2022 will be achieved.

Boardwalk improvements at Watermans Park - Update 17 March 2022

Hounslow Council and its partners are working hard on the improvement plan for Watermans Park.

An important part of the transformation will be to bring the boardwalk that runs along the River Thames back into use.,

This work is progressing and we are currently undertaking surveys, which will determine the extent of the work needed to bring the boardwalk back into use. To complete any future work, we will need access to the boardwalk from the park and the river. This means that the timetable will be dictated by the tidal nature of the Thames.

For this reason, work will continue on the boardwalk improvements after the main park improvements are finished and the park has re-opened.

We will keep you informed of developments on this important project and provide timescales for the work as the plan develops.

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