Parks development

Redlees Park Masterplan 2018

Adams & Sutherland, a multi-disciplinary consultant, was commissioned by the council to produce a masterplan on refreshing both the landscape and built environment of Redless Park, Isleworth through public engagement and consultation.

The masterplan is now complete and provides detailed evidence based recommendations for improving, conserving, managing, and maintaining Redlees Park as well as increasing access to and within the park that facilitate better physical activity by the public.

For more information please see our summary plan and our major projects and upgrade projects documents.

The masterplan process focused on the playground; open parkland; park boundary; signage; pathways and surfaces; existing buildings, sports; conservation and heritage and car parking. 

The council are now working with stakeholders to explore opportunities and funding to achieve the masterplan. 

To get involved please check the councils website for opportunities and keep in touch.


  • Improve connectivity & Access
  • Emphasis & Improve Park Facilities
  • Improve Health and Sport Use
  • Reinforce Character
  • Raise Profile & visibility
  • Create Opportunities

Current Projects for 2022

New space - Redlees courtyard

Get involved 

We would like to support a Park Friends Group but need volunteers to help form a group. If you would like to get involved then please vist our Friends group webpage for more information.

Contact us

Email the Parks team

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