Parks development

Feltham Arenas Parklands masterplan


In August 2016, the Council worked closely with local stakeholders and key partners to produce a new Feltham Arenas Parklands Masterplan. Consultation was led by experienced landscape designers, who looked closely at Blenheim Park, Glebelands, Poets Corner, Feltham Arenas and Feltham Park with the view to combining them into a connecting green space. 
The Masterplan will inform much needed improvements of the landscape, public realm and sports and physical activity facilities across the spaces that are collectively referred to as the Feltham Arenas Parklands. It will maximise the parks green assets, improve its open spaces and their connectivity, provide a rich and varied outdoor offer, recreation opportunities and spaces for the community, to support an active and healthy life style. 
The project is part of the Council’s commitment to enhance its network of parks and green spaces, creating active, healthy communities for residents. A key aspect of this project has been to get communities and key stakeholders more involved. Ongoing work to develop the space will be informed by both existing/potential users through consultations. 
The main objectives of this masterplan are as follows:
  • To develop the Feltham parks as a sports and physical activity hub
  • To identify effective enhancements/ improvement responding to community need for short and long-term investment
  • To maximise the usage of the parks, including Feltham Green as green infrastructure for Feltham Town Centre and the Housing zone; and 
  • To identify income generation opportunities that can sustain the management of the parks and increase usage.

 A phased programme of works ensures that the park remains as accessible as possible while ensuring the safety of all park users and visitors during construction.

Phase 1 Infrastructure Improvements

Phase 1 developments were complete in early 2021. These improvement works are primarily focused on increasing accessibility, improving the site for active travel (walking and cycling), whilst improving safety and the overall look and feel of the site.  Phase 1 improvement works included:
  • Vegetation clearance and better management of trees and shrubs to improve sightlines around key entrances and along pathways.  
  • New and improved waking/cycling pathways to improve accessibility and increase active travel, whilst restricting motorbikes and mopeds
  • New Lighting along one of the primary paths to improve visibility and decrease antisocial behaviour
  • Two new footbridges across the Longford river to better connect the spaces 
  • New entrances designed to enhance the look and feel of the space 

Phase 2 - Informal sport and Recreation 

The long term vision of the masterplan is to establish the parklands as a sports and physical activity hub, improving existing sports facilities, introducing new play features and remodelling the landscape. The first phase 2 improvements will deliver several informal sport and physical activity elements of the design such as the restoration of the Athletics tracks and associated lighting. The approach and methodology for the development of phase 2 will favour designs that inspire movement and physical activity in children and families, and will be created through participatory engagement with key stakeholders. Work will also look to better connect Feltham Arenas Parklands with other green and blue spaces such as Feltham Green and Bridge House Pond. 

Related documents

Phase 1 -  Feltham Arenas Parklands masterplan

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