Update on Lake improvements
Reconnecting Boston Manor Park: Lake Progress
As part of our commitment to improvement works across Boston Manor Park, the Park team are revamping structures surrounding the lake.
- Oak revetments (wooden sides that enclose the water body of the pond) are being installed, with these helping to stabilise the banks around the lake. New ornamental metal railings will also replace the old fence line around the pond.
- A viewing platform is also being installed on the eastern side.
- The islands will be re-profiled to create a gentle, sloped access for nesting birds, covered with top soil, then sown with grass. The soil will be sown with a grass seed mix and additional shrubs planted.
- Ramps will be installed from the revetment edges into the water to allow easy access in and out for wildlife including birds, amphibians and hedgehogs.
- A boardwalk is being constructed at the bottom of the woodland trail.
- Picnic tables will be installed outside the café and in the ‘square’ of the apple and pear orchard located in the wetland meadow area.
- The team will be planting up the formal beds, Walled Garden and long border
The lake shall be re-filled by pumping water up from the canal after the construction works are complete.
Find the project webpages and blog updates at www.hounslow.gov.uk/BostonManorPark
Facebook page: @BMPoutdoorevents
Landscaping Contractor: Blakedown Landscapes, Site manager Bashkim Uka 07761 699580.
Natural Park Manager: Vanessa Hampton via email BostonManorPark@hounslow.gov.uk 07816 067883.

New ornamental metal railings (in foreground) replace the old fencing. The oak revetments enclose the water body of the lake and stabilise the banks.