Fees and charges for cemeteries

Who qualifies for a resident fee?


  • The deceased must have been a permanent resident of the London Borough of Hounslow at the date of death
  • The deceased was a permanent resident of the London Borough of Hounslow and a near relative – next of kin (mother, father, spouse, civil partner, son or daughter) (non-resident) is organising a burial in a newly purchased grave in Hounslow – grave purchase and interment fee will be charged at residential rate for the burial of Hounslow resident only. We reserve the right to request documentary evidence of a qualifying relationship to confirm entitlement.
  • Children of Hounslow residents not exceeding 18 years – residency is shown through their parents 
  • The deceased was a Hounslow resident in the last 5 years and moved to a residential care home out of the Hounslow Borough, as there was no placement available for residential care in the Hounslow Borough. The residential care fees are covered by the London Borough Hounslow. This must be confirmed by the Social Services
  • The deceased died in the care of a relative outside of the Hounslow borough and was a Hounslow resident in the last 5 years
  • If a resident purchases an exclusive right of burial, the resident fee will only be applied if the grave is to be used for their next of kin (mother, father, spouse, civil partner, son or daughter). The exclusive right of burial can be purchased for other relatives but will be charged at Non-residential rate. The interment fee will be charged based on the deceased’s residency.
  • If, at the time of death the person resided in a nursing home, residential home or a hospital in the Hounslow Borough, the ‘non-resident’ scale of charges will apply for interment unless it can be shown that the person would otherwise have qualified as a resident providing requested documents, please see below.


  • Hounslow resident who lives permanently in Hounslow borough, which can be proven through current Council Tax Bill or other documents, please see below


Proof of residency

Residency qualification for purchaser and deceased will be determined through one of the following:

  • Council Tax Demand (current year) indicating that the person occupy/occupied a property within the Hounslow borough
  • Electoral Roll document (current)
  • Utility Bill received at the property not more than 3 months old.

Submitting proof

Proof of residence for the purchaser and the deceased has to be submitted to the Funeral Director.

The Funeral Director will send scanned copies of these documents at the same time with the interment form to the Hounslow Cemeteries Office on cemeteries@hounslow.gov.uk

Please note that we do not need to obtain the original copy of the residential documents. The original documents required remains the same: interment form, appropriate fee and the certificate of disposal which need to be delivered to our office at least three days before burial.

Same day burials (subject to availability)

Please be aware that bookings for same day burials must be arranged and completed by 11:00am with the Cemetery Office Monday to Friday.   We require the payment, interment form, residency documents and the certificate for Burial and Cremation (the green certificate) before we will take a booking for a funeral, this can be emailed to us or brought into to the Cemeteries Office.

For faith burials being booked on a Friday to take place on Saturday or Sunday, the booking must be complete by 3pm on Friday, otherwise the funeral director can  contact the out of normal hours burials service from 5pm on Friday or over the weekend. If booked over the weekend, the funeral director must make payment directly to the Cemeteries Office on Monday morning. If you require this service, please call the out of normal hours general number to request a burial through Lampton Greenspace 360 on 020 8583 2222.

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