Trading Standards' 12 Days of Christmas

On the 5th day of Christmas, Trading Standards helped me with ... 5 Gold Rings

Five Gold Rings


At this time of year, everyone is thinking of ways that they can make a little extra money to pay for those Christmas presents that we would like to buy. Selling unwanted gold jewellery is one way, but be cautious before parting with your bling.

Shop Around. No matter how or where you ultimately choose to sell, start locally. Take your gold to a reputable local jeweller and ask them to estimate its value. This will give you a base price before you solicit online bids or other offers.

Beware ‘Rogue’ Buyers. Be wary of who you are selling your gold to. Are they a “rogue” buyer. If you have to leave your jewellery with them for a quote, do you know for sure that they will be there again when you return to collect your money?

Always purchase jewellery which has been hallmarked; for further information search local assay office online.


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