Principles for engagement

Our engagement principles help us achieve our vision that ‘Every resident, business, partner and community organisation should be aware of and able to shape decisions about the subjects which matter to them.’

Created in partnership with our communities, they are our guide and commitment for how we do engagement, and make clear what people should expect. They incorporate and go beyond the Gunning Principles.  

  • Know the evidence - we examine existing insight and data to identify gaps and establish if new engagement is necessary.  
  • Make it clear - we are clear on purpose, process and scope for influence.  
  • Make it meaningful - we involve people and organisations at the stage where they can have the best influence, with enough time, using the most appropriate approach.  
  • Make it accessible - we use a range of inclusive methods to reach relevant people, making extra effort for underrepresented groups.  
  • Review with rigour - we thoroughly evaluate and consider feedback, perspectives and ideas, and make them applicable to what’s needed.  
  • Demonstrate transparency - we show how insight shaped a decision or project, and what the other considerations were.  
  • Publish by default - we publish formal consultation results, in appropriate depth and format, that are linked to specific decisions.  
  • Keep in the loop - we update participants throughout the process and when the decision has been made.  
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