Supported Internships Hub

Employer engagement - get involved

Become a Host Business

A host business is the employer that provides work experience placements and a base room for the Interns allowing them to remain onsite 5 days a week. Our employers host our Interns from September to June.

So far we have had successful relationships with multiple local employers. Currently we have 3 host businesses for interns to apply to, but we are always open to expanding the offer.

To become a host business, please complete our contact form.

Offer a Work Rotation

Each term our Interns complete a 10-12 week work rotation from 10am-3.30pm every day via the host business. The employer, managers and mentors involved in the departmental rotations are trained and supported throughout.

Interns are evaluated to ensure that their skills and interests match the rotations. The job coach along-side the manager or mentor support the intern to become immersed within the workplace, allowing them to achieve the specific transferable work skills necessary for progression into paid employment.

Recruit for a Job or Apprenticeship

Our Interns and Graduates success is their readiness to be in a workplace. The employability skills they develop allow them to be an asset in the workforce. Host businesses receive support from our Employment Support Service offered by Kaleidoscope.

You could also benefit by being a London Living Wage employer.

 To offer our SEND young peoplepaid employment opportunities please contact us.

Open your doors for the Meet the Employer events

Our Meet the Employer events raise awareness of different sectors and job roles to SEND young people in a safe and supported way.

As a local employer, your participation in these events can help prepare our young people for adulthood. You will be guided by us and can help SEND young people build transferable work-related skills like confidence, teamwork, presentation and communication skills.

To take part or know about when our next event is taking place contact us.

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