Supported Internships Hub

Resources and related services

Support for families

Families are a crucial part of the success of the programme. It's important that families are involved and committed to helping an intern advance through the programme.

Family curriculum

We hold regular events throughout an Intern's programme for families to attend. This curriculum is an integral part of our DFN Project SEARCH programme


Rotation 1

Rotation 2

Rotation 3

June to September

September to December

January to March

April to June

Parent and carer commitments

Overview of Project SEARCH and how to support your Intern

Employment Planning Meetings X2

JCP and DWP awareness - Access to work and better off in work calculations

Employment Planning Meetings X2

Employer Engagement and how to support your graduate

Employment Planning Meetings X2

Graduation Celebration


What do parents have to share with other parents who are interested in their young person joining DFN Project SEARCH?


"Go for it, they have the experience, knowledge, patience, support and contacts"

~ Parent of Alesso, current Intern


"As a parent, watching my son thrive with project DFN Project SEARCH's support has been a journey of immense joy and pride. Witnessing his transformation from a place of despair into a confident, employed young adult has been emotionally jubilant. This program hasn't just offered our son an opportunity to fulfil his ambitions towards a full-time career; it's given him a brighter, more inclusive future. We will forever be grateful as we express our thanks for not just employment, but the embrace of true potential and the real possibility of promise tomorrow."

~ Parent of Kinan, an 2023 graduate of DFN Project SEARCH


"Harry is calmer, more confident in himself, he knows how to behave appropriately in the workplace and he is really ready to get a job now. DFN Project SEARCH is a great step into work and the course provides a caring environment to try out and experience what the work environment is really like.  Harry's colleagues at Hounslow council are brilliant and so supportive and if there are any challenges, the DFN Project SEARCH team are on hand to help.  Overall, it's been a very positive experience for Harry and hopefully a job is around the corner for him."

~ Parent of Harry, current Intern

Hounslow Services

We work closely with services across Hounslow to provide supported internships. We also help connect young people with SEND and their families to related services.

External sites and support

For other supported internships visit the West London Alliance

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