Private tenant at risk of becoming homeless

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If you are homeless because your landlord has evicted you, is threatening to evict you, or your tenancy agreement has come to an end, there are some options available to you. 

You can tell us you are homeless or worried about becoming homeless.

If you are under 18, you can contact children's social care.

Your tenancy rights 

A typical eviction process takes six months to complete and your landlord must follow the correct eviction process if they want you to leave.  

Your landlord cannot evict you or harass you to leave because you have a complaint about the condition of your home or you have requested a repair. You should report harrassment of this nature to our housing enforcement team at

Find a new property to rent 

You can find rental properties available in Hounslow or in other areas where rent is cheaper on these websites: 

You can also find rental properties by checking:   

  • local lettings agencies and landlords  
  • shop windows, community and supermarket notice boards 

Apply for Universal Credit to help with housing costs 

If you are being evicted because you cannot afford to pay the rent, you may be eligible for Universal Credit.

Check how Universal Credit can help towards your housing costs before you make a claim.

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