Cleaner and greener campaign

About our campaign to make Hounslow cleaner and greener

Making Hounslow cleaner and greener; a place where our residents enjoy working, living and visiting, is a key priority for us as a council.

Our Cleaner Borough Strategy, which was informed by the community, was approved earlier this year and outlines the challenges we face in Hounslow to make our streets cleaner. Our growing population and high proportion of rented housing along with changing lifestyles, work patterns and eating on the go all mean that we have had to change the way we work in response to these challenges.

We have taken that plan and developed a new campaign called 'Cleaner Greener Hounslow' that aims to tackle waste, while improving recycling and the street environment across the borough. 

In June this year, two Community Workshops were held for members of the public to share their ideas with us on how to make a difference in their local communities. We had great participation from many community groups and individuals who put forward lots of great ideas. These are now being evaluated and we are planning to help residents to make some of these excellent projects happen. Look out for further details.

Despite all this positive activity and aspiration, a small number of residents still fly tip and dump their rubbish on the streets. None of us want to see this and so we are taking a direct and two-pronged approach to dealing with the issue. On the one hand we want to identify people who are fly tipping because they don't currently have access to proper waste services, to help them find proper solutions. Neighbours and other members of the public can help us identify people with such problems.  On the other hand, we will closely monitor fly tipping hotspots, with more widespread use of CCTV cameras and more prosecutions. As fly tipping is a scourge on our communities as a whole, we will at times look to you to help us identify and deal with those who choose to dispose of their waste in this way. To that end, we will be stepping up enforcement through an online and social media campaign, ‘Grime and Punishment’ showing video footage and stills of fly tipping incidents.

We have overhauled our webpages to help make it clear what people can recycle, how and what to do with any residual waste. We are making changes to  the borough’s bulky waste collection service to make it easier for residents to book a collection.

Flat-dwellers will see a big difference to their recycling facilities, with a refresh being rolled out across the borough to enable more people who live in Hounslow to do the right thing - wasting less and recycling more. Further support for all residents will come in the form of leaflets and communications around what can be recycled, how and when. 

As a local Councillor, I regularly get involved in community clean-up events around the borough and I am constantly impressed with the passion and dedication demonstrated by many members of our communities towards improving the areas they live in and our wonderful open spaces.

We hope we can rely on your support in helping to make Hounslow cleaner and greener for everyone's benefit. Check out our Community in Action page which outlines community projects taking place. There's always room for more helping hands so why not get involved?

Together, let’s make it happen!

Kind regards,

Councillor Guy Lambert
Cabinet Member for Highways, Recycling and Companies

Image of cllr guy lambert




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