Cleaner and greener campaign


Litter is any rubbish that has been dropped and left in a public space.  This can include paper, cans, bottles, fast food wrappers, cigarette butts etc - and is a blight on the local environment.  Litter is a major problem across the country, keeping our streets clean of litter costs local authorities millions of pounds every year.  This money could be better spent on other services. 

Did you know?

Dropping or depositing litter is an offence under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and offenders can be served with a Fixed Penalty Notice for £80 or face prosecution and a maximum fine of £2,500 on conviction.

Hounslow Highways are responsible for cleaning and maintaining our borough streets, but are continually impacted by individuals carelessly dropping litter, spitting gum and not properly disposing of cigarette butts. It is a major challenge addressing the impact of these behaviours daily. We want to ensure our streets are clean for the vast majority of residents who support clean streets and dispose of waste responsibly.

How can you help keep our streets clean?

  • Please do not drop litter on the street, put your litter into one of our 700 litter bins across the borough. 
  • If there is not a litter bin close by, please take your litter home for disposal.
  • Please do not place domestic waste or recycling, or any commercial waste in our litter bins
  • Please only place your domestic waste or recycling or commercial waste out for collection early on the morning of your collection day (or as late as possible on the evening before your collection day).
  • Report any issues with littering via Hounslow Highways Fix My Street

We're committed to making sure our streets stay clean, but everyone has a part to play.

Together let’s make it happen!

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