Cleaner and greener campaign

Disposing of your business waste correctly

Is your business disposing of its waste correctly?

Every business that produces waste in the UK has a legal ‘duty of care’ to:

  • manage it properly until it's recycled or disposed of
  • always use a registered waste carrier or register to carry your own waste
  • keep the correct paperwork for at least two years.

A lack of understanding will not protect you in court.

Why do I need to have a business waste collection service?

  • It’s the law! All waste produced by your business no matter how small is classified as business waste and as such it is illegal to dispose of this via the household waste and recycling services provided by the council
  • You may be subjected to a fine if you use household services or are found to be disposing of waste illegally
  • Waste collection is not included as part of your business rates

Get help complying with the law:


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