Health officials at Hounslow Council are alerting residents about cold and icy weather over the days ahead.
Published: Wednesday, 7th December 2022

Forecasts from The Met Office say there is a 90 per cent chance of severe cold weather and icy conditions between Wednesday, 7 December and Monday, 12 December.
Temperatures will fall as we approach the weekend, hitting a low of -3 degrees on Thursday and Friday.
Hounslow Council and its partners are stressing the need for residents to follow government guidance and keep themselves and their families as warm and safe as possible during the cold weather.
Keep warm
Cold weather can have a serious impact on health, so it is important that you heat the rooms you use to at least 18°C if you can. This is particularly important for people aged 65 and over or for those with pre-existing medical conditions.
If you cannot heat all the rooms you use, heat the living room during the day and your bedroom before you sleep.
If you are struggling to heat your home due to rising energy bills and the cost of living crisis, help may be available.
There are grants, benefits and advice available to help improve energy efficiency, improve your heating, or help with bills.
For advice on energy efficiency and bills, you can contact Simple Energy Advice on 0800 444202.
Use warm spaces
Hounslow Council and its community partners have opened a network of warm spaces across the borough. These are venues such as libraries and community centres where people can go to keep warm, take part in activities, and meet with others.
Look after yourself
It’s important to keep on top of your personal health and wellbeing during the cold weather.
- Make sure you get your seasonal COVID-19 booster and flu vaccination. They are your best protection from becoming seriously ill from these viruses.
- Both boosters are available in our borough and free to many eligible groups. Find out more at:
- Exercise is important at this time of year. Keep moving to help you keep warm. Try not to sit for more than an hour.
- Wear a few layers of thin clothing rather than one thick one - this will trap the heat better.
- Wear shoes with a good grip to prevent falls.
- Make sure you have spare medication in case you are unable to go out.
- Have plenty of hot food and drinks - tinned food and frozen vegetables all count towards your five a day.
Look after others
Check on frail or older neighbours or relatives, especially those living alone or with serious illnesses, to make sure they are safe, warm and well.
Keep informed
There are plenty of places to visit online to get information and guidance about the weather and what help is available.
- Hounslow Council will be keeping residents up to date on services that are affected due to the cold weather at:
- You can keep up to date with what’s happening on the borough’s roads at:
- There is help and information available for people struggling with cost of living issues in Hounslow at:
- Make sure you keep up to date with the weather forecasts and plan in advance for what lies ahead. Find out more at:
Hounslow Council’s Cabinet Member for Adults and Health Integration, Councillor Samia Chaudhary, said: “We know people in our borough are facing challenging times and we are doing all we can to help. There is a range of services to support people who are struggling.
“Please do not suffer in silence. Find out what help is available and together we can get through this.
“It’s also important that we do everything we can to safeguard our own health, the health of our families and those around us during the cold weather. We all need to support our NHS and local medical services by helping to reduce pressure on them at this critical time.
“We will keep people in our community updated on the support and information available throughout the winter. Please keep checking the council’s website for the latest information.”