Statement from Councillor Katherine Dunne, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Climate, Environment and Transport Strategy.
Published: Wednesday, 19th April 2023
Cllr Katherine Dunne, said:
“At Cabinet last evening, 18 April, Hounslow Council Cabinet approved the Staveley Road and Burlington Lane restrictions which are part of a wider low traffic neighbourhood scheme aimed at reducing the volume of through traffic passing through Grove Park and creating a safer environment for walking, wheeling and cycling.
“This will mean that we retain the current no-entry restriction from the A316 and we will proceed with a permanent Traffic Management Order that is brought in by 1 July 2023. The existing Experimental Traffic Management Order will remain until this permanent order is brought into operation. This will see the implementation of a permanent measure at the junction of Burlington Lane and the A316.
“I am very grateful to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, on the view that the Committee formed on the each of the recommendations in the Chief Officer decision prior to the Cabinet meeting last evening. Cabinet accepted the recommendations proposed by Overview and Scrutiny Committee and in addition proposed and agreed a number of other recommendations to reflect community feedback on carers, speed, signage and communications.
“These additional proposals, in addition to the earlier changes, demonstrate that we continue to consider and balance the views of residents alongside our policy position as a Council on our ambitions for transport, climate and public health.
“We will be updating our website shortly to reflect these recommendations and residents in the South Chiswick Liveable Neighbourhood will be written to outlining the final permanent scheme.”