Students in Hounslow schools once again celebrated excellent A-Level results with a pass rate of 98%.
Published: Friday, 18th August 2023

Councillor Lily Bath, Cabinet Member for Education, Children, Skills and Employment was with students from the Gunnersbury Catholic School as they received their results and commented:
“I want to congratulate our students in Hounslow for their incredible effort. Over 75% of A-Levels awarded were achieved at the top grades of A*- C. They have worked so hard and we are very proud of what they have achieved. I would also like to thank our teachers who work tirelessly to deliver the very best outcomes for our students. We are so fortunate that in Hounslow all our secondary schools are recognised by Ofsted as either ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’. I wish all the students the very best for the future.”
Mr Kevin Burke, Headteacher of Gunnersbury Catholic School, said:
“We’re absolutely delighted for our students for achieving such fantastic A-Level and BTEC results. Throughout their years at Gunnersbury, they have worked exceptionally hard, engaged superbly with their teachers in learning, and have always been exceptionally supportive of their fellow classmates. They are an absolute credit to their families and our school. With great pride, we say goodbye to these young women and young men as they leave Gunnersbury to start their university lives or to take up apprenticeship programmes. We wish them well and look forward to hearing of their future success.”
Councillor Lily Bath added:
“As we emerge from the recent global pandemic, we recognise the significant impact on our young people both in terms of disruption to learning and in being able to gain opportunities to develop the skills and experience to secure future employment.
For this reason, Hounslow Council has recently launched the Youth Skills and Employment Guarantee (YSEG). Working in partnership with local business, education providers and the voluntary sector, we plan to significantly increase pathways into employment, removing barriers where these exist and enabling all our young people to secure successful careers. I encourage everyone to visit the YSEG website to find out more.”
For those still unsure of their next steps they can access free information, advice and guidance from the Hounslow Connexions Service by calling 020 8583 5151 or visiting the website.
Young people and their families might experience a range of emotions on results day today. Useful resources of tackling negative feelings can be found on websites such as Good Thinking and Young Minds, and study and career options on National Career Services website.