A staggering 79.5% of students in Hounslow achieved a grade 4 or above in Maths, significantly outperforming both the national average of 61% and London average of 65%.
Published: Friday, 25th August 2023

Meanwhile, 63% of students achieved the more challenging grade 5 or above in Maths, 20% higher than the national average of 43% and 13.5% higher than the London average of 49.5%.
In English, it was a similar story with 83% of students achieving a grade 4 or above, outperforming the national average of 74% and the London average of 81%.
71% of students achieved the more challenging grade 5 or above, outperforming the national average of 58% and the London average of 67%.
For students in both Maths and English, 75% achieved grade 4 or better and 58% achieved grade 5 or better.
Hounslow schools have also maintained a strong position in the proportion of students gaining the English Baccalaureate which measures GCSE success in English, Maths, Science, a language, and a humanities subject.

Councillor Shantanu Rajawat, Leader of Hounslow Council, pictured centre, with students at Heston Community School, said:
“I was delighted to visit Heston Community School yesterday, where I studied, to celebrate with students as they got their GCSE results. I want to congratulate every child in Hounslow who received their results today.
“In Hounslow, we are immensely proud of our schools and learning opportunities at all levels and it’s no surprise that we saw such encouraging results today. Going back to Heston Community School reminded me of my time there and how I was inspired to study history, which I found fascinating, and it laid a really solid foundation for further learning and career development.
“All our secondary schools have been recognised as ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted, and it’s testament to the high-quality education on offer, equipping our young people with the skills and knowledge for a brighter future.”

Councillor Katherine Dunne, Deputy Leader of the Council was with a Ukrainian student, Martha and her mum at Brentford School for Girls.

Councillor Lily Bath, Cabinet Member for Education, Children, Skills and Employment, pictured right with students at Springwest Academy and Lyn Gray, Schools Advisor, London Borough of Hounslow, commented:
“I would like to congratulate the success of both our young people and adult learners on their GCSE success today. The determination of our adult learners to obtain recognised qualifications is inspiring. By offering flexible courses, ‘Learn Hounslow’ has been able to support these older students to realise their potential whilst supporting their career development.”
Today’s results will provide the springboard for many students to move onto the next step in their education journey including A-Levels, T levels, vocational courses, or apprenticeships.
Students who are still unsure of their next step they can access free information, advice and guidance from Hounslow Connexions Service by calling 020 8583 5151 or vising the website.
Hounslow Council has also recently launched the Youth Skills and Employment Guarantee (YSEG), a partnership of local business, education providers and the voluntary sector which provides increased opportunities for young people to develop the skills and experiences needed for future employment.
Young people and their families might experience a range of emotions on results day today and wonder about the next step. Useful resources can be found on websites such as Good Thinking and Young Minds, and study and career options on National Career Services website.