Hounslow Council has scheduled another Question Time event, at West Thames College on Wednesday 28 February from 6.30pm.
Published: Monday, 5th February 2024

The event – the second of four due to be held across the borough - is a key part of Hounslow Council’s continuing commitment to listen and engage with residents.
Question Time is an opportunity for residents and businesses to ask the Hounslow Council cabinet members elected by them, questions around any issues and concerns in the borough that matter to them. Questions need to be submitted in advance via the website or by emailing or writing to the Council.
Held across the borough, these flagship events will work in tandem with the Area forums.
Councillor Shantanu Rajawat, Leader of Hounslow Council, said: “The last event in Feltham was the first of four opportunities to meet residents and discuss a diverse range of issues that affect them. The format worked and we’re looking forward to meeting as many residents as possible in Isleworth.”
The event will be chaired by Tracy Aust, Principal at West Thames College, who added: “There has been a buzz around the college about this event for some time now, and I know that many students have already submitted questions. I also hope they can join residents on the night, and that our young people can feel they’re being listened to.”
Members of the public can submit their questions in advance, which will then be selected by the chair for featuring on the night. The deadline is Sunday 18 February. The public can also raise their hands to ask a question on the night.
With a familiar format to BBC Question Time, residents will come face-to-face with elected councillors who are accountable for decision-making in the Council.
Question Time will be filmed and shared via the Council’s social channels after the event.
If you would like to submit a question in advance - and put it to the Cabinet in person on the night - please register at Let's Talk website and submit your question/s or email them to engage@hounslow.gov.uk.
If you prefer, you can submit a question in writing and send to:
Engagement Team,
London Borough of Hounslow,
7 Bath Road,
Hounslow, TW3 3EB
If you have any enquiries, please contact the Engagement Team by emailing us your question at: engage@hounslow.gov.uk, but please do include your name and contact telephone number.