Hounslow Council's Adult Social Care Provision rated ‘Good’ by The CQC

Hounslow Council's Adult Services have been rated 'Good' following an assessment by the Care Quality Commission.

Published: Friday, 17th May 2024

photo of Cllr Chaudhary

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has published the outcome of a recent inspection into services for adults who require care and support in Hounslow. The inspection places Hounslow’s Adult Social Care Services overall as providing a ‘good’ standard of service.  The report highlights both areas of good practice and those which require further development for which the Council was recognised as having a robust and effective improvement plan in place working towards those areas.

The report marks the Regulator’s first published assessments of Local Authority Adult Social Care Services performance since 2010, when the previous rating system was scrapped by the coalition government. 

The ratings were underpinned by scores of 1 (indicating significant shortfalls in performance) to 4 (an exceptional standard) across the following 9 quality statements designed to capture how well the Council was performing their Care Act 2014 responsibilities:-

  •  assessing needs
  •  supporting people to live healthier lives
  •  equity in experience and outcomes
  •  care provision, integration and continuity
  •  partnerships and communities
  •  safe systems, pathways and transitions
  •  safeguarding
  • governance, management and sustainability
  • learning improvement and innovation.

The CQC’s judgments were based on, amongst other sources, feedback and surveys of people receiving care and support, feedback from carers and staff, the views of providers and relevant community groups plus an analysis of performance data and studies of a sample of cases.

Cllr Samia Chaudhary, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, Public Health and Transformation, said: “I am delighted that the CQC assessment has highlighted the good support we offer to our most vulnerable residents. This acknowledgement underscores the unwavering dedication and tireless commitment demonstrated by our staff and partners on a daily basis as they strive to provide crucial support to some of our most vulnerable.

“The CQC's recognition of our efforts reaffirms our dedication in striving to provide people with positive experiences when using adult social care services. “While we celebrate these achievements, we recognise the imperative to continuously enhance our services and will continue to do so through our improvement agenda.

"I want to extend my sincere gratitude to all our valued residents and partners whose collaboration has been instrumental in working towards achieving a good outcome for Hounslow.

James Bullion, CQC’s Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care and Integrated Care, praised the Council's efforts, highlighting its collaboration with partners to promote independence and resilience among residents. However, he also emphasised the need for improvement in areas such as carers' support and access to services.

He said: “Overall, Hounslow Council should be really pleased with this assessment. They’ve built a great foundation on which to build their future plans and make improvements. We look forward to returning to see how they’ve done this and how their current plans mature.”

You can read the full report.

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