Hounslow’s LD community bowled over by men’s health event

'Bowling Balls' cancer awareness event is a success.

Published: Tuesday, 25th June 2024

Bowling Balls LD event

Last Friday’s Bowling Balls event at Trinity Church proved a huge hit for men with learning disabilities in Hounslow.  Organised by the Community Provisions team, it featured presentations on male cancers from senior nursing practitioners that helped attendees understand what to look out if you’re concerned about Bowel, Breast, Testicular or Prostate Cancer.  There was also a lengthy Q&A session, food, and plenty of fun and games including skittles, bowls, indoor archery, and limbo dance!

Speaking about the lively afternoon at a fabulous venue, Maura Ireland, Community Provisions Manager, said:  We’re trying to bring the community together to highlight men’s health, specifically male cancers.  So, they’re more aware of what they need to do, learn about the signs and symptoms and where they can go for support.”  Ian from Brentford added:  “I came to support my twin brother who has learning disabilities, and to listen to the talks on men’s cancers.  My take home would be if you have the opportunity to have a PSA blood test* with your doctor, take it, because it could be the difference between life and death.”

*The PSA blood test helps to detect prostate cancer, for further info go to:  https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/prostate-cancer/should-i-have-psa-test/

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