Hounslow Council wins award for tackling health inequality

Hounslow Council has received an MJ Achievement Award.

Published: Friday, 12th July 2024

Councillor Rajawat holding an MJ Award trophy

Hounslow Council has been awarded an MJ Achievement Award for taking ‘a whole-team approach to tackling health inequalities’, for its Digital Inclusion for Social Health and Impact (DISH) project.  

The MJ Awards are a nationally recognised celebration of success in local government, and Hounslow Council was crowned as the winner by a judging panel.  

The panel said: 

‘Hounslow presented an ambitious and innovative whole-council approach to tackling health inequalities. 

‘They demonstrated strong collaborative working between different council services with health and health equity firmly embedded across key council strategies. The borough-based partnership effectively brings together health, social care, and other council services around a number of “accelerator projects” to improve residents’ health and opportunities to thrive.  

Councillor Shantanu Rajawat, Leader of Hounslow Council, said:

“Hounslow Council strives to create a greener, healthier, cleaner, safer, thriving and liveable borough and it is no surprise that the hard work of staff and its partners has been recognised at this prestigious awards ceremony for its health outcomes.  

“This project delivered some of the key aims of our Digital Inclusion Commitment by delivering access to refurbished devices, digital training and accessible online services, ensuring all residents are connected and none are left behind in our ambition to make Hounslow a healthier place to live.  

‘I would like to congratulate the teams and partner organisations who worked tirelessly on this project to improve the lives of residents across the borough.” 


Dr Sadia Khan, Service Director for Cardiology at Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust, said: 

“It is a real honour and encouragement to win this award. It recognises our commitment to work in partnership to improve health and social care for everyone who lives or works in Hounslow.” 


To read more about the MJ Awards and Hounslow’s success, click here.  

For more info on how residents can get healthy through our initiatives click here.  


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