Hounslow Council statement update on Watermans

Cllr Tom Bruce, Deputy Leader of Hounslow Council and Cabinet Member for Assets, Regeneration and Development, provides an update on the Watermans Arts Centre building following the departure of squatters.

Published: Thursday, 18th July 2024

The outside of Watermans

Cllr Tom Bruce, Deputy Leader of Hounslow Council and Cabinet Member for Assets, Regeneration and Development, provides an update on the Watermans Arts Centre building following the departure of squatters. The squatters broke into the building in June, following a fire, and refused to leave for three and a half weeks.  

“The squatters, who only vacated the building after receiving a court order, have left it in a far worse state than it was before their unauthorised occupation. The interior has been left in a dire mess with extensive signs of vandalism. Doors have been kicked in, causing damage to locks and door frames, and some equipment has been damaged, and other items stolen. All this has exacerbated the already challenging situation we faced following the fire. 

“The actions of the squatters have further delayed our plans for finding a meanwhile use for the building to benefit the community. I appreciate many in the community will be frustrated by this delay, and I share these frustrations. The squatters have set us back many weeks.     

“We’ll now be working hard to move forward with our plans as swiftly as possible. Council officers are conducting a thorough survey of the premises to understand the extent of the damage caused. Following the outcome of this survey, we will continue to explore the feasibility of a meanwhile use for the building. This evaluation is crucial in guiding our next steps towards restoring the building to a usable and safe condition.   

“Arts and culture are incredibly important to us. We recognise the value they bring to our diverse community, and we remain dedicated to supporting a rich cultural offer for everyone across the borough. We will provide updates as soon as we can regarding the progress of the repairs and the process for establishing a meanwhile use for the building.  

“In the meantime, I encourage any queries or concerns to be directed to meanwhile@hounslow.gov.uk.” 

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