Celebrating Hounslow schools’ heroes

The Council hosted an education award ceremony to celebrate the dedication and commitment of more than 200 school staff members who have served the community for up to four decades.

Published: Wednesday, 24th July 2024

Cabinet members presented a trophy to one of the Education Award recipients.

All the attendees have been working for Hounslow’s education family between 25 and 45 years.

The awardees have collectively contributed a total of 4,078 years of services in their roles as teachers, teaching assistants, cleaners, caretakers, administrators, as well as seven of the borough’s head teachers.

Susan Thomas has been working in schools in Hounslow for 40 years. She is currently working for Marjory Kinnon School, a special school for students aged 4 to 16 located in Bedfont, Hounslow. She said:

“The main reason for staying in the job is that I just love the children. I love to see them progress, and it's a joy to see them do well. In the last few years, I've been running the Duke of Edinburgh Award programme at our school, and it's been wonderful to see the children having the chance to experience and enjoy it. I would like to thank myself for working hard and the school for giving me the opportunity to do what I do and continue doing that.”

Councillor Samia Chaudhary, Cabinet Member for Education, Children, Skills, and Employment at Hounslow Council, said:

“I would like to thank our team for organising this amazing award ceremony, which celebrates the fantastic work of colleagues from schools in Hounslow. I also want to congratulate those who receive the awards. Their passion and support have empowered our schools to transform lives and provide better futures for every child and young person, regardless of their background. This is a solid testament to most of the schools in our borough being recognised by Ofsted as either ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’.”

Starting this year, Hounslow’s education awards will be an annual event to recognise the commitment and the longstanding service of teaching and non-teaching staff in all the borough’s schools.


Photo caption: Councillor Shantanu Rajawat, Leader of the Council (pictured, left) and Councillor Samia Chaudhary, Cabinet Member for Education, Children, Skills and Employment (right) presented a trophy to Susan Thomas (middle) who has been working in schools in Hounslow for 40 years.

From left to right photo caption: Councillor Shantanu Rajawat, Leader of the Council (pictured, left) and Councillor Samia Chaudhary, Cabinet Member for Education, Children, Skills and Employment (right) presented a trophy to Susan Thomas (middle) who has been working in schools in Hounslow for 40 years.

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