Trading Standards host event on targeting illegal tobacco and vapes

Hounslow Council’s Trading Standards team, in partnership with the Council’s Public Health team, held an event on Thursday, 18 July to raise awareness of illegal tobacco and vape products in the borough.

Published: Tuesday, 30th July 2024

Trading Standards host event on targeting illegal tobacco and vapes

Councillor Karen Smith, Mayor of Hounslow, was on hand to hear about the team’s work to prevent illegal products entering Hounslow’s shops and efforts to educate residents about the dangers of using them. 

At the event, at Bell Square off Hounslow High Street, professionals from a range of Council teams spoke to residents about how to identify illegal products and the harm they can bring to communities via crime and health risks, especially for young people. 

Putting in a crowd-pleasing turn, Pippa the sniffer dog also demonstrated how her highly-trained nose helps to search and locate the illicit tobacco during regular inspections of businesses within the borough.

Members of Hounslow’s Health Outreach Team and other Public Health teams offered advice on smoking, shisha and vaping cessation, oral health, drugs and alcohol, blood pressure checks, and sexual health awareness. 

Tackling illegal tobacco a key priority

Tackling the sale and supply of Illegal tobacco and other non-compliant tobacco products is a key priority for Hounslow Trading Standards, who work closely with other agencies to combat this damaging trade.

Illegal tobacco, characterised as counterfeit, smuggled or non-duty paid, has all the harmful properties of legal tobacco. But as it is unregulated it brings many additional health risks for the user.  

The sale of cheap or illegal tobacco and vapes by unscrupulous traders also increases crime in community; bringing children and young people into contact with criminals. Often sold at much lower prices than legal tobacco, illegal products make it easier for young people to start smoking and vaping, getting them addicted at a young age and having severe implications on their long-term health.

Trading Standards host event on targeting illegal tobacco and vapes

How to report someone for selling illegal tobacco

You can help stop illegal tobacco by reporting cases to local authorities via:

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