With the Christmas party season upon us, Councillor Raghwinder Siddhu joined Hounslow’s community safety team and the police to offer advice about how to stay safe when out.
Published: Monday, 23rd December 2024

Hounslow's Cabinet Member for Public Safety, Regulatory Services and Enforcement joined the Community Safety team to speek with residents on the streets of Chiswick telling them about potential dangers and what to do if they are concerned.
The High Road stall included guidance on the Ask for Angela campaign, the UK-wide scheme for anyone who is feeling vulnerable on a night out to get the support they need.
Anti-spiking devices, including covers for bottles and glasses, panic alarms, and even bells to attach to handbags and purses to thwart pickpockets were also given out by the team.
Councillor Siddhu said that despite being one of the safest boroughs with some of the lowest crime rates in London, he wanted to ensure that nothing spoilt people’s evenings.
“It’s great to see people out enjoying themselves and having fun at this time of year.
“But unfortunately, when we have a few drinks and let our guard down there are those who want to exploit that.
“One thing that became clear from the night was that we have a duty to keep reinforcing these public safety messages.
“It’s important that we spread the word, so it becomes second nature. So, please keep an eye on your belongings, report anything suspicious and most of all do take care of yourselves and your friends.”
- If you're out with others, try to stay together.
- When travelling at night, book a taxi or get a lift with someone you trust.
- Stand in a well-lit place near other people when waiting for a bus.
- Try to avoid empty train carriages
- Be aware of what's around you
- Keep a close eye on your drinks and never leave them unattended at any time.
- Stay in well-lit areas
- Plan a route home
- Stick to places you know
If you have information about a crime but want to stay anonymous, you can phone Crimestoppers or fill in their online form.
To learn more about the Ask for Angela campaign visit its website here.