Support for Carers

Are you looking after or helping family or friends?

If you help and support a family member, a partner, friends, or neighbours, who would find it difficult to manage on their own or may be unable to cope because of a lifelong condition, illness, disability, serious injury, mental health difficulty, addiction, or are frail and just needing extra help as they grow older - then you are considered to be a carer.

A carer is someone who provides unpaid care, it could be emotional as well as physical support.

Carers include adults, parents or children and young people. They might be adults looking after other adults, parent carers looking after children with a disability and young carers under 18 years of age looking after their siblings or parents. 

A carer is different to someone who is paid to provide care professionally or via a voluntary organisation because they have an emotional connection with the person they care for and are not paid for their time. This connection can make caring more rewarding, yet more difficult at the same time.

All carers are entitield to a free carers assessment.

Tell your GP you are a carer

It is important that your GP (General Practitioner) knows you are a carer.

As your GP and Primary Care Team can provide you with the support and help you need. They can give you advice, information and tell you about services that could improve your life as a carer. This can include assistance from Social Prescribing Link Workers, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Continence Advisors, Dieticians

To register as a carer with your GP, ask for their Carer Registration Form. Some practices may have a form on their website to help you register as a carers, but you will need to check with your GP Practice.

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Keep up to date with things that may help you and your family including free local activities and events, opportunities to meet other people in a similar situation and information on new projects and services.

You can also get some advice and assistance from local carer support networks and services. Find out more information and what help and support is available to you below.

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